How The Incredible Hulk is All About You and Me

Or, What’s the Deal With the Hulk Persona?

Years ago, I was playing around with a copy of Photoshop Elements on my dad’s computer, alter pictures for my own amusement.

This was about the time that the Eric Bana Hulk movie directed by Ang Lee had come out, and if you remember how that movie ended, it implied that a bearded, fedora-sporting Dr. Banner was about to open a can of Hulkification down in South America.

So, with that image in my mind, I made the following picture:

Then, I wondered if I could put my own face on the Hulk, and since I can’t make an angry-face that looks dangerous and rage-filled enough to suit the Hulk’s awesome physique, I went another route and took a picture of myself making a crazed, maniacal clown-face and put that onto the Hulk’s face.
