10 Lessons I Wish I’d Learned in Chiropractic School

During chiropractic school I was focused on one thing and one thing only… graduating and passing boards. Everyone who enters chiropractic school is focused on the same thing, and that is exactly what they teach you; how to graduate and how to pass boards.


Passing the boards is only the first step, though and it’s not really that pivotal of a step in the grand scheme of being a health care provider. Like any education system, exams like national board exams show whether you are a good test taker rather than showing whether or not you are a good, or will be a good and competent chiropractor.


Does Vitalistic Chiropractic Violate the First Commandment?

I am a chiropractor by day. In short, this means I make a living by removing spinal misalignments that are creating neurological interference (defined as vertebral subluxations) which affects how the body and the brain communicate with each other.

This interference creates symptoms of all kinds varying from the simple back ache, to migraines, to all out serious digestive disorders and even death.
